One of my responsibilities at work is to assist exchanges (sites that trade bitcoin, etc) support Ripple’s digital asset, XRP. Ripple’s documentation team is fantastic. Everything that an exchange needs to know is found on Still, a newcomer to that documentation may not know where to start, and that could slow things down. To keep things moving fast, my approach is to give these exchanges a “jump start”. By that I mean a brief (one to two hours) presentation, at the end of which they…

Some helpful commands, when running rippled. Posted here as a reminder to myself. Commands shown here should work when installed on RHEL or Centos. Alias for rippled alias rippled="/opt/ripple/bin/rippled –conf=/opt/ripple/etc/rippled.cfg" Check the status rippled server_info is essential. Watch this command to see when the server manages to sync: watch "/opt/ripple/bin/rippled serverinfo | egrep ‘load|complete|peers|status|server_state’" Use ctrl-c to stop. Run in standalone mode Create a copy of systemd unit file