I’m fortunate to be spending this week at Recurse Center, a fantastic “coder retreat” in Manhattan. Highly recommended! My goals for this short stay are: (a) dust off some coding skills that started to grow rusty, and (b) become more fluent in my favorite software language. To those ends, I’ve put together a set of tools that construct, sign and submit Ripple Consensus Ledger (RCL) transactions. There’s a reason I explicitly list construct, sign, and submit.

Qubes has recently published a release canditate for version 4.0. I’m upgrading my system, and taking some notes as I go… Users of Qubes know that template VMs tend to lag behind the latest release of an OS. As I write, for example, a Qubes template is based on Fedora 26, while Fedora 27 was released almost 3 months ago. I mention this not to fault the Qubes team, who do great work.

NOTE: The setting described below have security implications. See https://groups.google.com/d/msg/qubes-users/3amtMOIBTgI/rXLXmbM5AAAJ for discussion. At the moment, I am not recommending this approach. I’ll update here if I am able to improve on it. Caveat emptor! UPDATE: See revised post. The Qubes operating system aims to be reasonably secure through isolation. One example of isolation: one Qubes virtual machine runs the windowing environment, while other VMs run applications displayed in that environment.